
Showing posts from May, 2019

Drip Drip Drip Little April Shower

Drip, Drip, Drip, Little April Shower (More Like May But Oh Well) I follow a lot of Disney lovers on Instagram and Facebook and besides the fact that they are always making me want to visit right now and possibly never come home I also get to be informed about the weather at Disneyland right now!  Apparently this week Anaheim is in for some rain.  I remember the very first time I ever went to Disneyland I was in Kindergarten and I was so excited to be in the happiest place on earth, maybe someday I'll rehash all of those memories for you guys, but for right now let's focus on the rain.  Which it did do!  We were all novices when it came to going to Disneyland so I remember tromping from ride to ride trying to figure out which ones were still open and which ones were closed thanks to the rain.   We learned and sometimes you still have to learn. What to Wear: I remember back when I worked for Disney I would see guests walking around in ponchos especial...

SPOILER ALERT: Avengers Endgame Recap

I am sure by now most of us have seen Avengers: Endgame but if you haven't then stop reading this because I am not going to skirt around the details.  I'm just going say those things that we were all thinking or maybe just me, but you're going to hear all of it. Now that you've all been warned we can proceed.  Instead of doing a play by play of the movie I'm going to talk about the main characters and what happened to them and how they destroyed and possibly saved all of us.  Tony Stark/ Iron Man Let's jump into it then with the person who gave us the most feels.  Tony was the first avenger that we ever met those ten years ago.  We have grown to know him and love his despite his flaws.  And now he's gone.  There I said it!  I just got it out of the way.  Now we can all move on with our lives... except we can't because HE'S GONE!!! Tony was kind of awesome in this movie and I'm not just saying that because he sacrificed himself to...