
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Close Down/ Reopening of Disney World

The Close Down/ Reopening of Disney World  Hello everyone!  I'm back!  I am so sorry that I have taken a break without any notice, but I am back and we have so much to talk about!  Like Disney shutting down for months!  That was so crazy.   But let's start at the very beginning since that is a very good place to start.  The Close Down Does everybody remember what the world was like before the Corona Virus took of the world?  Do you remember when you could dream about going to a Disney park because they were open?   Yeah, me either haha.   I still remember when things were slowly starting to close down and I had one of my relatives ask me if I knew if Disney was going to close down and I pretty much told them that that was crazy talk.  Disney had only closed their parks a handful of times and I just couldn't even fathom that they were going to close it again.  I don't think that anybody saw them shu...